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Holiday Havoc Page 18
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Page 18
“Get your fucking asses back here and we’ll have a doctor waiting.”
“I’m out of ammo,” Gunnar yelled and ran toward a big fucking dude with no neck. He took a fist to the face but that was it as his big body fell against the bigger man.
Gunnar grabbed him by his head and slammed it against a small rock sticking out of the ground. He kept going, over and over and over again, until he was more than sure that he’d finished him off for good.
“You’ll have a hell of a shiner Gunny, but hey chicks dig scars right?” Jag’s voice sounded through the comms, pure amusement. “One more left, who wants ’em?”
“Already got ’em,” Max said, seconds after a final shot rang out. “Too slow, Jeremiah.”
Jag groaned into the comms at Max’s use of his given name. “Yeah, good job old man.”
Stitch nodded towards the rock where we’d left Carlito bleeding out. “He’s mine now, right Prez?” I knew Stitch was eager to kill Carlito and I nodded.
“Yeah, go ahead.”
I followed close behind as he rounded the big rock. “Hey Carlito, you fucking prick!” Carlito was still very much alive and apparently had another piece because he took a shot at Stitch as he rounded the corner. The bullet missed its mark and only grazed Stitch on the neck.
Stitch kicked the gun out of his hand, sending it flying. “You shoot like a bitch, asshole!” Stitch wiped his free hand on his fresh wound and smiled at Carlito squeezing the trigger twice, sending two bullets straight into the little fucker. One hit him in the groin and another under his arm.
Two red dots grew into bigger vibrant red blotches against the dirty white suit. Carlito looked down in disbelief at the pool of blood oozing out of his wounds as if the fucker actually thought he’d never get shot. “I still have Marisol and you need me alive to ever see her again.”
“Actually you don’t motherfucker.” Stitch said, still holding his neck. “She’s right in my bed where she belongs.”
“Are you sure?”
Stitch nodded, his smile wide and satisfied, his arm extended with the gun pointing right at Carlito. “Doesn’t matter, right? You’re a dead motherfucker.”
A shot rang out from behind us that made half of Carlito’s head explode. Stitch and I turned to see Guapo standing there with his piece aimed at Carlito.
“Guapo.” I gave him a slight nod. Stitch helped me to my feet, removing his t-shirt and wrapping it around my shoulder to slow the bleeding. “Damn Prez, Moon’s gonna fucking kill me.”
I smirked at his absurd concern that had the distinction of being true. “Not until she’s sure I’ll live,” I grunted out and turned my attention back to Guapo. With Carlito dead he would now be the head of the Salinas Cartel. His whole family had died protecting the organization and I wasn’t naïve enough to think that didn’t mean something to a guy like him. It did.
He turned to me, holding the arm where Carlito’s bullet had grazed him. The guy really was a lousy fucking shot. “Thank you.”
I grinned grimly at his words. “Not a problem. We good?”
Guapo turned back to me. “Yes. We’re good. I hope to never see you again.”
“Good luck.”
Guapo turned his back to me, his business with the Reckless Bastards complete and I knew he had a very big mess to clean up.
I turned my attention to my own men who were hurt and bloodied, exhausted but alive, and nodded. “Let’s go home boys.”
Chapter Thirty-Four - Stitch
“Merry Christmas motherfuckers! We made it through another fucking year, can you guys believe it?” I sure as fuck couldn’t believe it. No matter how happy I was that the shit I’d stepped in had ended with more than a few non-fatal wounds, it was still unbelievable that we all sat around the table, our ladies at our sides.
Jag grinned the widest, both arms wrapped tight around Vivi. “I believe it. We got the best damn club in the world!” He raised his glass high in the air and waited until we all did the same, beers, wine glasses, shot glasses and cups all went into the air. “To Cross, for leading us through another battle and gettin’ us home for Christmas.”
“A-fucking-men!” Savior stood and pounded on the table, a gesture sure to rile up all the men. “Drink up, Cross. We gotta get you primed for a world class bachelor party!”
Moon lifted a hand in the air with a smile. “Hold on. Not until after he’s off the pain meds.” Her eyes went all soft when she looked at Cross, cupping his face and kissing the hell out of him. “He’s been banged up enough.” Moon had proved me wrong and hadn’t threatened to kill anyone. Instead, she’d hugged each of us, kissing both cheeks, for bringing her man back alive.
“Lucky bastard,” I told Cross with a wry grin. “That bum shoulder means she does all the work.” Marisol smacked my chest at the crude comment, but the slight blush staining her cheeks made me grin. “What? You know it’s true.”
Marisol rolled her eyes and leaned into me in that way a woman does when she knows she’s safe with her man. There were still times when that sadness would get to her and she’d get that blank, terrified look in her eyes but each time it happened it lasted for shorter and shorter periods of time. She still hadn’t told me exactly what Carlito and Guapo had done to her but I knew she would.
In time.
“Everyone loves a woman on top,” Savior said and pulled Mandy close, smacking a loud kiss right on her red painted lips. “But in all seriousness,” he said, voice now stone cold sober as he stood and pulled a bottle of Patron from underneath the table. “We can’t celebrate Christmas and not mention our girl who isn’t here. Kat. She may be gone but she will never be forgotten.”
A chorus of agreement rang out around the table as everyone took a swig of tequila and passed the bottle around. “None for me,” Moon said as Cross handed her the heavy bottle. “Booze is a big no-no when you’ve got a bun in the oven.”
Everyone fell silent and all of our gazes landed on Cross, who’d lost his first wife and baby in one fell swoop thanks to that rotten bitch, cancer. He’d been living half a life when I’d met him, fully dedicated to nothing but the club. No women. No fucking. No fun. Now though, since meeting Moon, he was a whole new man. A whole man, period. “You’re pregnant?” The question came out quiet, damn near a whisper.
“Yes! We’re pregnant.” She took one of Cross’ hands and laid it on her belly with a watery smile. “We’re having a baby.”
Cross shot out of his seat with a wide and still growing grin. “Holy shit, my junk still works!” He scooped Moon out of her seat and spun her around. “I love you so much, babe.”
“I guess that means he’s happy about it,” Vivi said sarcastically, making the rest of us laugh. “Congratulations, Moon. You’re one of those rare women who was born to be a mom.”
“Thank you, Vivi.”
Jana and Teddy were on their feet and rushing around the table to wrap Moon up in a hug, doing that screechy happy thing that girls did when they were happy or excited, leaving Max and Golden Boy to grab the chairs before they tipped over. “We’re going to have another baby shower!” Teddy clapped her hands excitedly, always up to plan any event, big or small.
Moon hugged them both back the way she hugged everyone, with her whole body and full of love. “Let’s wait until I’m showing at least, okay?”
“Yeah Teddy, settle down,” Jana grinned. “We have more important things to talk about, like the nursery theme.”
Cross groaned and slid between Moon and the women. “Let us enjoy this moment before the craziness starts, yeah? Max, Golden Boy, get your baby mamas.” Cross laughed at their put out expressions and dipped Moon for a long, hot kiss.
“So,” Vivi said when a silence fell around the table. “Jag and I are getting married. Tonight. In Vegas.” With a satisfied smile at having shocked us all, she looked around the table. “Everyone is invited but if you don’t show up, we’ll totally understand.”
Teddy slammed her hands on the table angri
ly. “You’re getting married on Christmas Day and you didn’t ask me to plan it?” She shot Vivi a fiery glare.
Vivi only shrugged, unphased by Teddy’s emotions. “You can plan a reception or something if you want, but I’m not waiting another second to marry this man.” With a soft, hazy expression she turned to Jag and smiled before leaning over for a gentle kiss.
“Before the night is over, you’ll be mine babe. All mine.” And then Jag kissed her and it was so long and hot, so fucking inappropriate, I gripped Marisol’s thigh and slid my hand up. That shit was hot.
As fuck.
Cross looked at Moon and smiled a big shit-eating grin. Then to Jag. “We’ll be there, man.”
“Damn right we will,” Moon said with finality. “And you’ll all be there on New Year’s Day, when Cross and I exchange vows. Right?”
The table fell quiet in shock. “Right,” Cross added with a bit more bass in his voice.
“Damn straight,” Savior said with a loud whoop.
“Fuck yeah,” Jag said with a wide grin, standing to go get more booze.
“Don’t worry Teddy,” Mandy piped in with a tipsy lean against Savior. “I’m a busy chef and entrepreneur, I’m happy to have you plan our wedding.”
Savior frowned. “So you want a big wedding?”
She tossed her blonde head back and laughed. “Babe you have a giant family,” she gestured around the table where the entire club sat with their women while the kids all played with their gifts, supervised by a few of the Reckless Bitches. “Or hadn’t you noticed?”
Savior smiled in concession to her point and pulled her closer. “Whatever you want, babe.” She beamed up at him like he was her own personal hero and ever since Marisol, I knew just how damn powerful that shit felt.
“Damn, everyone is getting married and having babies,” Gunnar grumbled. “Feels more like a daycare than a goddamn motorcycle club.”
“Don’t worry Gunny,” Peaches taunted with the dreaded nickname he only allowed Maisie to use but she had somehow taken it for herself as well. “One of these days you’ll meet a lady ogre who doesn’t mind your shitty, grumpy pants personality and will only care about your fine packaging.” Peaches gestured at his body and laughed at her own joke but everyone joined in until Gunnar sent a death glare across the table.
None of us stopped laughing. We were feeling too damn good to stop. Even if it pissed off Gunnar.
He wasn’t pissed at all, leaning forward into Peaches’ personal space. “You think I’m hot,” he said, a rare smile aimed at someone other than Maisie making an appearance. “I knew you fucking wanted me.”
“Oh, I want you,” she purred. “I want to strip you down, tie you up and beat some manners into you.” Her shrug was deceptively casual. “If I could muzzle you, I might take you to bed for real.”
Gunnar leaned over and whispered something in Peaches’ ear and it must have been filthy because a light flush stained her honey colored skin and her eyes went a little gooey. She was turned on. “We’ll see about that muzzle then,” he said, his smile a dark promise.
“With all this good news, I’m feeling like a left out old lady,” Jana grumbled with a good natured smile. “I never would have thought when I met this big ole biker, that I’d gain this amazing, crazy family. A bunch of rough and tumble motherfuckers who were desperately in need of a woman’s touch.” She paused a second, her face a light shade of pink. “You guys gave me the confidence to live a full and proud life and I love you all for it. Merry Christmas.”
Teddy stood beside her and wrapped an arm around Jana, kissing her cheek. “Yeah, what she said.” She waved away our laughter and smiled at each one of us around the table, her eyes wet. “Seriously, even though you unleashed a stalker on me, it brought me Tate and I wouldn’t change a thing if it meant I didn’t get to have my golden haired cowboy at my side. You Reckless Bastards are the toughest sons of bitches I know, well, aside from Jana, and you are my tribe.”
“As much as I appreciate all the girly emotions and shit, if my girl has any more tequila, I won’t get any Christmas love tonight and I plan on getting some and getting it good. And all night long,” I told them all and stood, grabbing Marisol’s hand until she was flush against my chest.
“Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Mayhem Christmas to all you motherfuckers, and a good fucking night.”
Epilogue - Max
“Ugh babe, I’m stuffed.” I patted my belly after demolishing another round of leftovers and kicked my feet up on the coffee table.
“Maybe one of these Christmases we’ll learn not to eat so much.” Jana stood in the doorway with one hand on her hip and a playful smile brightening up her face. “I thought you were saving some of those leftovers for me?”
“I did. Plenty of them, actually.” She deserved it after slaving away in a hot kitchen for days, cooking enough food for feed the army of Reckless Bastards and their loved ones. And I’d convinced Mandy to give us double the amount and she was happy to, something about being able to fit into a damn wedding dress. “I only killed off three slices of pecan pie.”
Jana grinned as she closed the distance between us and climbed up on my lap. “Does that mean I get all the chocolate mousse cake to myself?” She nibbled on my ear as she posed the question, knowing exactly how weak I was when it came to her.
“Keep doing that and you can have whatever you like, sexy lady.” Her husky laugh sounded in my ear, her big, soft tits pressed against me and my body started to wake up, food coma be damned.
“I already got everything a girl could possibly want, except maybe a smaller ass.”
I rolled my eyes at her complaint, but it gave me a chance to tell her about her fine ass. “I love your ass just the way it is. Don’t change a thing,” I told her, grabbing both soft ass cheeks in my hand and squeezing to drive the point home. She moaned and I let my lips skitter up and down her neck for a long moment. “You sure you don’t want anything else?”
“Like what?” Jana sat back and cupped my cheeks in that soft, loving way she had of reminding me that I meant something to her. “Thanks to you and the club, our babies are all safe and happy. Plus, I’ve got you, my handsome man.”
Yeah, her compliments never failed to get a rise out of me, both literally and figuratively. “Keep going. I like what I’m hearing.”
She grinned, and it turned into a laugh. “I’m happy you made it back to me. All in one piece.” The fear she’d hidden from me was there in her eyes. “Can you believe it, Max? Two fucked up people like us and we’ve managed to create this incredible little family.” Her eyes went slightly glassy as she took in the images flashing on the digital photo frame I’d given her for Christmas.
Jana loved to take pictures. Especially of me and the kids. It meant I would have to endure all the sneak-attack snapshots and every moment of our lives being captured digitally, but it made her smile and that smile lit up my whole life.
My brow rose at her comment. “Hey, that’s my wife you’re calling fucked up.”
She smiled and laughed just a little, a throaty sound that was somehow sex goddess and girl next door all at once. “You know what I’m saying. It’s unlikely that we should have any of this, never mind all of this. Love and good fortune. And we do. We’re making it work, Max. It’s like we’re blessed. ”
“I’m not sure about blessings, but I’d walk through the fires of hell for you. Don’t you know you’re the best damn thing that’s ever happened to me?”
Her pale skin flushed a beautiful shade of pink which was just another reason Jana stole my breath every fucking day, despite her dirty mouth in the bedroom, she still blushed like an innocent girl next door. “Ditto, Max.”
She turned in my lap and we sat there for a long time just watching the photos from the day flash before us. “That’s my favorite one,” she said and pointed to the photo of me, Charlie and Jameson, our gray eyes shining bright for the camera, each of us with a damning chocolate stain at the corners of our mouths. “
Those guys right there, they are my whole heart.”
“And to think, you wanted nothing to do with me at first.” She gasped and shook her head in denial, but I just laughed.
“I liked looking at you, but I was worried. Most men recoil at the sight of my face and I figured you’d be the same.”
“Only I wasn’t,” I said. “From the moment I caught sight of your face, and those big green eyes, I was hooked. And I was a goddamn mess, but you saved me.”
“No, I didn’t,” she insisted. “You saved yourself. And I’m so glad you did because look at us now. We’re so blessed. We have a loving home.”
“A hot as fuck wife and two strong little boys.”
She squirmed on my lap until I groaned and gripped her hips to keep her still. “Hot as fuck?”
“You know you’re the hottest thing in all of Nevada, babe. And the whole wide world.”
She laughed and poked her soft midsection. “Me? With this baby gut and thunder thighs? You must be in love,” she joked and batted her eyelashes prettily.
“You have no idea.”
Jana slid off my lap and grinned. “I have some idea, and I have something for you.” She disappeared up the stairs, leaving me alone with my thoughts for a moment. I thought about my boys, giggling loudly as they opened up presents. Pint-sized motorcycles, building blocks, trucks and even a miniature ten-gallon cowboy hat for Charlie who believed Lasso to be a real-life cowboy and wanted to be just like him.
My boys were the second and third best thing that had ever happened to me and watching them be normal, healthy, well-adjusted kids made me proud. Hell, made me grateful that a screwed up bastard like me had a hand in them turning out that way. Jana thought I did it, that I was the strong one, but the truth was, Jana was the heart, the soul and the muscle of our family.
“Here we are. Time for grown up gifts.” Something altogether different crossed my mind until I looked up, wiggling my eyebrows and saw Jana, weighed down by three large boxes. “Not that kind of grown up, ya big perv!”